Nevada: Final avg. unsubsidized 2023 #ACA rates: +8.6%

As I just noted in the previous post, Nevada Health Link just issued a press release about the approve 2023 ACA exchange plans and rates:
Since transitioning away from the federal health insurance marketplace,, and becoming a State-Based Exchange (SBE) in 2019, the Exchange has focused on expanding the online marketplace by adding new Qualified Health Plan (QHP) options and insurance carriers. This year, 37 new health insurance plan options have been added, bringing to a total of 163 QHPs across seven private insurance carriers.
The seven private health insurance carriers offering plans through are:
- Aetna Health
- Anthem HMO Nevada
- Friday Health Plans
- Health Plan of Nevada (HPN)
- Hometown Health Plan
- SelectHealth
- SilverSummit (Ambetter)
...All plan options and rates are available now and can be viewed by using the “window shopping” feature on The weighted average rate increase for Exchange plans is 9.2%. While some plans may have experienced a rate increase, subsidies have also increased.
I went ahead and plugged the data from the NV Insurance Dept's health insurance rate database, and got a slightly lower weighted average increase of +8.6%. This would be even lower if I knew how many enrollees Aetna currently has, but their filing is missing the summary document and the full actuarial memo is redacted, so that field is blank.
As for Nevada's small group market, it looks like the weighted average rate hike there is around 7.2% for 2023.