Charles Gaba's blog


via the Maine Dept. of Professional & Financial Regulation:

Maine Health Insurers File Proposed Rates for 2023 Plan Year

Health insurance carriers in Maine's Individual and Small Group markets have filed proposed rates with the Maine Bureau of Insurance (the Bureau) for the 2023 plan year. June 27, 2022 was the deadline for the initial filing of plans and rates, but insurers may revise their filings through July 20, 2022.


The good news is that Minnesota's Commerce Dept. presents their annual health insurance premium rate filings  for both the individual and small group markets clearly and simply.

The bad news is they don't include the number of enrollees for each carrier, and even the SERFF database filings don't include that information...yet. Fortunately, MNsure does provide a carrier breakout of the individual market...but this only includes on-exchange enrollment, which means PreferredOne (which only offers ACA plans off-exchange) isn't listed, nor are any off-exchange enrollees for the other five exchange carriers.

As for the small group market, the most recent hard enrollment data I have for that is from 2021, which means it's likely not terribly accurate anymore (especially since PreferredOne appears to be dropping out of the MN small group market entirely next year). In addition, UnitedHealthcare scrapped all of their sm. group offerings last year and replaced them with new ones, so I have no clue how many enrollees they have at the moment.

CMS Logo

This is pretty slim pickings as a silver lining given Roe v. Wade being overturned last week, but it's something, I suppose...via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services:

CMS Approves 12-month Extension of Postpartum Coverage in Washington State

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), approved Washington state’s extension of Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage for 12 months after pregnancy. As a result, up to an additional 12,000 people annually will now have access to Medicaid or CHIP coverage for a full year after pregnancy. With today’s approval, an estimated 265,000 Americans annually in 15 states and D.C. have gained access to 12 months of postpartum coverage. 

Access Health CT Logo

Back in February, I wrote about Connecticut's new "Covered Connecticut" program:

Access Health CT Announces Special Enrollment Period For Covered Connecticut Program

  • Eligible Connecticut residents have until June 30 to enroll

HARTFORD, Conn. (Feb. 15, 2022) — Access Health CT (AHCT) today announced a Special Enrollment Period for the Covered Connecticut Program that provides health insurance at no cost to Connecticut residents who meet eligibility requirements. This Special Enrollment Period runs now through June 30.

Created and funded by the State of Connecticut, the Covered Connecticut Program pays the customer’s portion of the monthly payment (premium) directly to their insurance company. The program also covers the cost-sharing amounts they would typically have to pay with a health insurance plan, such as co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles and maximum out-of-pocket costs.

The ticking time bomb is getting louder every day as time runs out for the expanded ACA subsidies which were temporarily provided by the American Rescue Plan to be made permanent:

The looming disaster on Obamacare subsidies keeps looking worse

Congressional Democrats are confronting a ticking time bomb that threatens both the health security of millions of Americans and Democrats’ own political security in the midterm elections. If they don’t act fast, it’s going to explode.

...Now, another group of Democrats outside Washington is getting increasingly nervous about this prospect. Democratic governors, many of whom are up for reelection this year, don’t want to watch while Congress makes life more difficult for their constituents.

Underscoring the point, a group of Democratic governors has released a new letter imploring congressional leaders to extend the enhanced subsidies.

District of Columbia

via the DC Dept. of Insurance, Securities & Banking:

Insurers File Proposed Rates for 2023 District of Columbia Health Plan Offerings

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Washington – The District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) has received 208 proposed health insurance plan rates for annual review in advance of open enrollment for plan year 2023. The proposed rates were submitted for DC Health Link, the District of Columbia’s health insurance marketplace, from Aetna, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Kaiser Permanente and United Healthcare.

The proposed rates are for individuals, families and small businesses for the 2023 plan year. Overall, the number of plans submitted for 2022 is up by 51 from those submitted for 2022.

CMS Logo

via the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services:

Today, Secretaries Xavier Becerra, Marty Walsh, and Janet L. Yellen of the U.S. Departments of Health & Human Services, Labor and Treasury (Departments), respectively, issued a letter to group health plans and health insurance issuers reminding them of their obligations under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to provide coverage for contraceptive services at no cost.

In all fifty states, the ACA guarantees coverage of women’s preventive services, including free birth control and contraceptive counseling, for individuals and covered dependents. Recent reports have shown that some issuers and plans may not be appropriately providing this coverage. The letter is another step for the Departments to put the industry on notice for the required coverage and demand prompt action to ensure that people can rightfully access the birth control they need.

I have little to add to the discussion this morning, so I'll just repost this tweet by a Wall St. Journal health reporter:

Almost half the states have laws in place or at the ready to curtail or outlaw abortion, including 13 states with trigger laws in place that will ban it immediately.

— Alex Janin (@AlexLJanin) June 24, 2022

America is in a very, very dark place right now.

Once again, here's what the Affordable Care Act's premium subsidy tables look like under the original ACA itself and under the American Rescue Plan (ARP). The premium caps are the maximum percent of household income which a household has to pay for the benchmark Silver plan at various income ranges.

The ARP table is currently scheduled to sunset at the end of December, at which point, without legislation passing Congress & being signed into law by President Biden, it will revert back to the original ACA subsidy table:

As always, here's my methodology:

Remember: "Decile" means 1/10th or 10% of the total population (all 50 states + DC).

